Debuting in the winter 1975 issue of TSR's short-lived house organ The Strategic Review, Peter Aronson's illusionist class was the first of many contemporary "specialist" magic-user variants to gain significant traction within the D&D community at large. This is primarily because unlike the various healers, witches, warlocks, mystics and such making the rounds, it was the lone such sub-class to be effectively canonized by none other than Gary Gygax, who included it in the 1978 Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Players Handbook. That version is subtly different from Aronson's 1975 vintage one, however.
In the interest of keeping this little bit of "gameable history" as accessible as possible, I've adapted it to what I consider to be the gold standard of modern Original D&D variants, Swords & Wizardry. My one main concession to the new format was the addition of prime attributes, as the SR article was mum on this point. In a small handful of cases, I also referred to the aforementioned Players Handbook when the source text omitted a key detail necessary for playability. Examples would be the misdetection spell, which has neither a range nor a duration supplied in the SR article, or prismatic spray, which appears as a listing on a table but has no accompanying description whatsoever.
Master mesmerists, weavers of shadow, the enigmatic Illusionists represent a highly specialzed arcane tradition that split from that of more conventional Magic-Users untold generations ago. While significantly less skilled at manipulating solid matter and elemental energies than their Magic-User kin, Illusionists make up for this with their unparalleled ability to muddle the senses and indeed twist the very minds of their spellbound subjects to suit their whims. To play an Illusionist effectively requires formidable creativity and cunning, as well as an open-minded Referee willing to reward both.
Prime Attribute: Intelligence and Dexterity, both 13+ (+5% experience bonus).
Hit Dice:1d4/level (Gains 1 hp/level after 11th level).
Armor/Shield Permitted: None.
Weapons Permitted: Dagger, staff and darts.
Ancestry: Human.
Alignment: Any.
Fighting Ability: Illusionists use the same attack table as Magic-Users.
Magic Items: Other than items usable by any class, Illusionists are quite limited in this regard. They may employ scrolls of Illusionist spells, Crystal Balls (excluding those with the added power to sense sounds or thoughts), Wands of Fear, Wands of Magic Detection, Wands of Paralyzing, and wands containing Illusionist spells generally. Whether or not an Illusionist of level 11+ may also create these items is subject to Referee determination.
Spell Casting: Illusionists learn, prepare, and cast their spells using the same procedures as Magic-Users, with the exception that they do not require use of the read magic spell (or equivalent) to understand the magical writings of other Illusionists.
Saving Throw Bonus: Illusionists gain a bonus of +2 on all saving throw rolls against spells, including spells from magic wands and staffs.
Illusionist Advancement Table
Level* |
XP Required for Level |
Hit Dice (d4)** |
Saving Throw |
Number of Spells (by level) |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
1 |
0 |
1 |
15 |
1 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
2 |
3,000 |
2 |
14 |
2 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
3 |
6,000 |
3 |
13 |
3 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
4 |
12,000 |
4 |
12 |
4 |
1 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
5 |
25,000 |
5 |
11 |
4 |
3 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
6 |
50,000 |
6 |
10 |
4 |
4 |
1 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
7 |
75,000 |
7 |
9 |
4 |
4 |
2 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
8 |
110,000 |
8 |
8 |
4 |
4 |
3 |
1 |
- |
- |
- |
9 |
175,000 |
9 |
7 |
5 |
4 |
4 |
2 |
1 |
- |
- |
10 |
350,000 |
10 |
6 |
5 |
5 |
4 |
3 |
2 |
- |
- |
11 |
525,000 |
11 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
4 |
4 |
3 |
1 |
- |
12 |
700,000 |
11+1 hp |
5 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
4 |
4 |
2 |
- |
13 |
875,000 |
11+2 hp |
5 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
2 |
1 |
14 |
1,050,000 |
11+3 hp |
5 |
6 |
6 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
3 |
2 |
*Illusionists are capped at 14 levels of ability.
**Hit points shown for levels after the character no longer gains full hit dice are the total combined number. A 13th-level Illusionist has 11 HD plus 2 hit points total, not 11 HD plus one hit point gained at 12th level and another 2 hit points gained at 13th.
Level 1
Change Self
Color Spray
Detect Illusion
Detect Invisibility*
Gaze Reflection
Mirror Image*
Phantasmal Force*
Wall of Fog
Level 2
Detect Magic*
Dispel Illusion
Hypnotic Pattern
Improved Phantasmal Force
Magic Mouth*
Rope Trick*
Level 3
Continual Light**
Continual Darkness**
Dispel Exhaustion
Hallucinatory Terrain*
Illusionary Script
Invisibility 10-Foot Radius*
Phantasmal Killer
Spectral Force
Level 4
1st Level Magic-User Spells
Improved Invisibility
Minor Creation
Shadow Magic
Shadow Monsters
Level 5
2nd Level Magic User Spells
Create Spectres
Demi-Shadow Magic
Demi-Shadow Monsters
Major Creation
Project Image*
Summon Shadow
Level 6
Conjuration of Animals**
Mass Suggestion
Permanent Illusion
Programmed Illusion
Shadow Monsters III
True Sight
Level 7
Alter Reality
Astral Spell*
Prismatic Sphere*
Prismatic Spray
*As the Magic-User spell.
** As the Cleric spell.
1st Level Magic User Spells
Spell Level: Illusionist, 4th Level
Range: Varies
Duration: Varies
An Illusionist that learns this "spell" has actually mastered the formulae for all of the basic 1st level Magic-User spells and may henceforth prepare any of them as 4th level Illusionist spells. Scrolls containing 1st level Magic-User spells may also be utilized if read magic is first employed as normal. These Magic-User spells do not count toward the Illusionist's maximum number of 1st level spells known based on Intelligence.
2nd Level Magic User Spells
Spell Level: Illusionist, 5th Level
Range: Varies
Duration: Varies
An Illusionist that learns this "spell" has actually mastered the formulae for all of the basic 2nd level Magic-User spells and may henceforth prepare any of them as 5th level Illusionist spells. Scrolls containing 2nd level Magic-User spells may also be utilized if read magic is first employed as normal. These Magic-User spells do not count toward the Illusionist's maximum number of 2nd level spells known based on Intelligence.
Alter Reality
Spell Level: Illusionist, 7th Level
Range: Varies
Duration: Varies
This spell is functionally identical to limited wish, with the exception that the Illusionist must first create an illusionary depiction of the desired result via phantasmal force or similar immediately before casting this spell to convert the scene to physical reality.
Spell Level: Illusionist, 2nd Level
Range: 120 feet
Duration: Until dispelled
This spell will blind a single target that fails a saving throw. The effect is permanent until dispelled or voluntarily lifted by the Illusionist.
Spell Level: Illusionist, 2nd Level
Range: Caster only
Duration: 1d4+4 minutes
Localized visual distortion betters the caster's armor class by two and confers a +2 bonus to saving throws against wands, staffs, and similar magic devices.
Change Self
Spell Level: Illusionist, 1st Level
Range: Caster only
Duration: 1 minute/level plus 1d6+10 additional minutes
This spell modifies the caster's appearance to resemble any creature of roughly human size and shape.
Spell Level: Illusionist, 5th Level
Range: 120 feet
Duration: Concentration
Chaos allows the Illusionist to designate a 30-foot by 30-foot square area within range wherein all creatures are automatically confused (as per the spell confusion) for as long as concentration is maintained. Level 9+ Illusionists and Fighters (to include Paladins and Rangers if the Referee permits) are unaffected, however.
Color Spray
Spell Level: Illusionist, 1st Level
Range: 20 feet
Duration: Instantaneous
A burst of clashing colors erupts from the Illusionist's hand, filling a wedge-shaped area five feet wide and 20 feet long and potentially incapacitating one or more targets with up to six combined levels/HD. To determine the exact magnitude of the effect, roll 1d6 and add one for every five levels the Illusionist has attained above the second, bearing in mind that six remains the highest possible modified result. Actual targets are chosen randomly from those within the area of effect. If the level/HD affected equals or exceeds those of a given target, that target is rendered unconscious with no saving throw and the remainder of the spell effect passes on to the next target. If a target ends up only partially affected due to this (five HD of total spell effect split up 3/2 between a pair of three HD monsters, for instance), the partially affected target may attempt a saving throw. That saving throw gains a +2 bonus for every level "short" the spell effect is beyond one. For example, a five HD creature subjected to a mere two HD of color spray effect would save at +4. Targets with more than six levels or HD are unaffected.
Create Spectres
Spell Level: Illusionist, 5th Level
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
By way of this sinister dweomer, a single dead subject of at least two levels/HD can be animated as a spectre with half the levels/HD it had in life, rounded up. The newly-created undead retains its own mind and will, as opposed to being a thrall of the Illusionist. Subjects of this spell cannot have been deceased for longer than four hours plus one additional hour per level of the Illusionist.
Detect Illusion
Spell Level: Illusionist, 1st Level
Range: 60 feet
Duration: 3 turns
The caster is able to recognize and see through any illusion in range while this spell is active.
Spell Level: Illusionist, 2nd Level
Range: 120 feet
Duration: Until dispelled
This spell will deafen a single target that fails a saving throw. The effect is permanent until dispelled or voluntarily lifted by the Illusionist.
Demi-Shadow Magic
Spell Level: Illusionist, 5th Level
Range: Varies
Duration: Varies
As shadow magic, except the amount of damage dealt/targets slain is doubled.
Demi-Shadow Monsters
Spell Level: Illusionist, 5th Level
Range: 30 feet
Duration: 1 minute/level
As shadow monsters, except the creatures have 40% of their regular HD, AC 8[11], and the maximum HD summonable is equal to 1.5 times the Illusionist's level, rounded down.
Dispel Exhaustion
Spell Level: Illusionist, 3nd Level
Range: Touch
Duration: 4 hours
This spell has the odd effect of removing the psychological impact of exhaustion and injury without addressing their underlying physical causes. The recipient may act normally without rest for the spell's duration, but afterward is forced to rest twice as long as normal to compensate. Badly wounded individuals (including ones recently returned to life via raise dead) can also act without penalty, though they will suffer an additional 1d6 damage when the spell expires.
Dispel Illusion
Spell Level: Illusionist, 2nd Level
Range: 120 feet
Duration: 10 minutes against an item
Automatically dispels any illusion created by a non-Illusionist and functions with the same success rate as dispel magic against those of true Illusionists.
Spell Level: Illusionist, 4th Level
Range: 180 feet
Duration: Concentration
The Illusionist may use this many-faceted spell to project a variety of overwhelming emotions over a 40-foot by 40-foot square area within range. Subjects therein are entitled to a saving throw to resist in all cases. The various emotions and their effects are as follows:
Bloodlust: Causes mindless hostility against all perceived enemies. +2 on attack rolls and need never check morale.
Bravery: Immune to fear.
Despair: -75% morale.
Fear: Victims flee at top speed for one minute per level of the Illusionist and each has a 60% chance to drop any held items.
Hate: Roll 1d10 to determine the object of each victim's hate. 1-2 = enemies, 3-4 = allies, 5-7 = enemies and allies, 8 = themselves, 9-10 = the Illusionist. The victim will immediately attempt to attack the nearest object of hate. Grimly, self-hatred will typically result in spontaneous suicide attempts.
Spell Level: Illusionist, 3nd Level
Range: 60 feet
Duration: Instantaneous
The cone-shaped emanation of this spell (5 feet wide at its base, 30 feet wide at its farthest end) affects up to 4d10 random targets with one level/HD, 3d10 random targets with two levels/HD, 2d10 random targets of three levels/HD, 1d10 random targets of four levels/HD, 1d6 random targets of five levels/HD, and 1d4 random targets of six levels/HD. Creatures with more than six levels/HD are unaffected. Victims that fail their saving throws will flee at top speed for one minute per level of the Illusionist and each has a 60% chance to drop any held items.
Spell Level: Illusionist, 2nd Level
Range: Moves 6 feet per minute
Duration: 1 hour
This spell creates a 15-foot radius cloud of opaque vapor that blocks vision. The cloud moves slowly forward at a rate of six feet per minute unless strong winds push it in another direction instead. It is heavier than air and will sink to fill low areas.
Gaze Reflection
Spell Level: Illusionist, 1st Level
Range: 80 feet
Duration: 1 turn
While under the effect of this spell, the harmful gazes of such monsters as the medusa and basilisk will not affect the caster and will actually be reflected straight back at their sources as if by a mirror (subject to the limits of the spell's range).
Hypnotic Pattern
Spell Level: Illusionist, 2nd Level
Range: 120 feet
Duration: Concentration plus 1d6+3 minutes thereafter
The Illusionist projects a pattern of psychedelic undulating color that can hold beings beholding it motionless for the indicated duration. The pattern fills a caster-designated 30-foot by 30-foot square area within range and affects up to 4d6 random targets with one level/HD, 3d6 random targets with two levels/HD, 2d6 random targets of three or four levels/HD, and 1d6 random targets of five or six levels/HD. Creatures with more than six levels/HD are unaffected.
Spell Level: Illusionist, 1st Level
Range: 80 feet
Duration: Until dispelled
Similar to charm person, hypnotism will bring a single humanoid under the Illusionist's influence. The victim must look the Illusionist in the eyes during casting, however, and the saving throw is made with a -2 penalty.
Illusionary Script
Spell Level: Illusionist, 3nd Level
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
A single casting of illusionary script is sufficient to allow for the scribing of up to one standard size page's worth of special magical writing. Such writing can only be comprehended by the specific person or class of persons designated by the Illusionist, in a manner akin to magic mouth. All others making the attempt must succeed at a saving throw to avoid confusion (per the spell) for 1d6 turns.
Improved Invisibility
Spell Level: Illusionist, 4th Level
Range: 240 feet
Duration: 4 minutes plus 1 minute/level
As invisibility 10-foot radius, except for duration and the fact that subjects may attack without ending the invisibility prematurely.
Improved Phantasmal Force
Spell Level: Illusionist, 2nd Level
Range: 240 feet
Duration: Concentration plus 3 minutes thereafter
This spell is functionally identical to phantasmal force, except for duration and the fact that the Illusionist can move freely without losing concentration.
Mass Suggestion
Spell Level: Illusionist, 6th Level
Range: Shouting distance
Duration: 1 week
As suggestion, except the caster may choose to affect 1d8 targets (who each save as normal) or a single target (who saves with a -4 penalty). Only a single suggestion is possible per casting, regardless of the number of targets affected.
Major Creation
Spell Level: Illusionist, 5th Level
Range: 10 feet
Duration: Varies
The Illusionist may create up to 30 pounds/level of inanimate matter. Soft goods, such as those made of wood, will remain permanently. Mineral and metallic ones will eventually vanish. The harder the material, the shorter its existence. Gold, for example, persists for but one day.
Minor Creation
Spell Level: Illusionist, 4th Level
Range: 10 feet
Duration: 4 days plus 1 day/level
The Illusionist may create up to 10 pounds/level of soft inanimate matter (no harder than the hardest of woods). All such matter will vanish upon expiration of the spell.
Spell Level: Illusionist, 2nd Level
Range: 30 feet
Duration: 1 minute/level
While this spell lasts, the caster may attempt to tamper with detection spells cast nearby. A detect evil or detect magic, for example, could provide false results if the Illusionist so desired. The success rate for this is the same as a casting of dispel magic.
Spell Level: Illusionist, 3nd Level
Range: Caster only
Duration: 2 turns/level
Detection spells (detect evil, etc.) will not function on the Illusionist while this spell is in effect. Additionally, the Illusionist is treated as though wearing an Amulet Against Scrying.
Spell Level: Illusionist, 3nd Level
Range: 180 feet
Duration: Until dispelled
Targets with a collective level/HD total no greater than twice the Illusionist's own level are paralyzed if they fail their saving throws. The effect is permanent until dispelled or voluntarily lifted by the Illusionist.
Permanent Illusion
Spell Level: Illusionist, 6th Level
Range: 240 feet
Duration: Until dispelled
As spectral force, except for duration.
Phantasmal Killer
Spell Level: Illusionist, 3nd Level
Range: 60 feet
Duration: Until resolved (see below)
This spell affects a single target, manifesting as an unspeakably horrid avatar of that targets's own worst fears. Only the Illusionist and the target can see this frightful beast, which truly only exists in its would-be victim's mind. As such, there is no attacking or evading a phantasmal killer. The only possible defense is disbelief and failure to disbelieve spells instant death. Successfully disbelieving requires rolling the target's Intelligence score or less on 3d6. Treat the Intelligence score as five points higher if the target has faced a phantasmal killer before, one point higher if the target is an Illusionist, and three points higher if the target is endowed with telepathic powers, either naturally or through the use of magic spells or devices. These modifiers are cumulative. In the last case, a disbelieving telepath may even opt to turn the phantasmal killer against the Illusionist that made it!
Prismatic Spray
Spell Level: Illusionist, 7th Level
Range: 70 feet
Duration: Instantaneous
This spectacular display of sorcerous might causes a variety of colored rays to fan out across a horizontal plane 5 feet wide at its base and 15 feet wide at it farthest point 70 feet distant from the Illusionist. Every being in that area will be struck by one or more rays, each of which corresponds to one of the layers of a prismatic sphere spell and inflicts the same harmful effect noted in that spell's description. Roll 1d8 for each target: 1 = red, 2 = orange, 3 = yellow, 4 = green, 5 = blue, 6 = indigo, 7 = violet, 8 = struck twice (roll again twice, ignoring any 8s).
Programmed Illusion
Spell Level: Illusionist, 6th Level
Range: 240 feet
Duration: 12 minutes (see below)
As spectral force except the Illusionist describes a pre-set illusion to be triggered on the spot in question at a later time. The trigger can either be a follow-up command from the Illusionist or the occurrence of some specified event (such as another intelligent being walking through a doorway or touching a particular object). The spell will remain dormant indefinitely until triggered, only then being subject to the 12 minute duration.
Shadow Magic
Spell Level: Illusionist, 4th Level
Range: Varies
Duration: Varies
Shadow magic seemingly takes the form of a number of other spells, one of the Illusionist's choice per casting. Since much of the spell's actual substance is comprised of semi-real shadowstuff, however, the effects are correspondingly weaker. Fireball and lightning bolt deal 1d6 damage for every four levels of the Illusionist, rounded down. Wall of fire and wall of ice deal 1d2 damage. Death spell kills 1d8 victims with no more than 1 level/HD each.
Shadow Monsters
Spell Level: Illusionist, 4th Level
Range: 30 feet
Duration: 1 minute/level
This spell summons up quasi-real monsters of any type desired to serve the caster, provided their total HD doesn't exceed the Illusionist's own level. Regardless of type, the creatures will have no special abilities (magic use, level drain, etc.), be AC 9[10], and possess only 20% of their regular HD, rounded up. Shadow monsters take double damage from silver weapons.
Shadow Monsters III
Spell Level: Illusionist, 6th Level
Range: 30 feet
Duration: 1 minute/level
As shadow monsters, except the creatures have 60% of their regular HD, AC 7[12], and the maximum HD summonable is equal to twice the Illusionist's level.
Spectral Force
Spell Level: Illusionist, 3nd Level
Range: 240 feet
Duration: Concentration plus 5 minutes thereafter
As phantasmal force, except for duration and fact that the illusion can have auditory, olfactory, and thermal components in addition to visual ones.
Summon Shadow
Spell Level: Illusionist, 5th Level
Range: Close
Duration: Until mission is completed
As invisible stalker, except the supernatural being summoned is a shadow. More specifically, one shadow for every five levels of the Illusionist, rounded down.
True Sight
Spell Level: Illusionist, 6th Level
Range: Sight
Duration: Level plus 1d6+10 minutes
While this spell is active, the caster perceives all things as they truly are. Invisible, ethereal, and astral beings are plain to see. Anything under the effect of polymorph and similar shapechanging effects appears in its original form. Even a being's alignment, class, level, and general intentions can be discerned.
Spell Level: Illusionist, 1st Level
Range: 90 feet
Duration: 5 minutes
The Illusionist's voice is able to be projected from any point within range.
Spell Level: Illusionist, 7th Level
Range: Caster only
Duration: One question
In seeking a vision, the Illusionist reaches out to alien intelligences on distant planes of reality in search of the answer to any single question. The result is determined by making a reaction roll with a +2 bonus. A positive result means a full and accurate answer. A neutral reaction means a moderately useful, if incomplete response. A negative reaction results in no useful information and subjects the unfortunate Illusionist to a quest spell cast by the offended higher power.
Wall of Fog
Spell Level: Illusionist, 1st Level
Range: 160 feet
Duration: Concentration
The opaque vapors created by this spell block vision but have no other effects. The caster may choose to create a straight wall 60 feet long and 20 feet high, or a circular wall with a 15-foot radius, also 20 feet high.